‘Puzzle Masters Class’: ‘The BFC Presents’ Q+A with Director/Actor/Producer Scott Vinci
[Q] How did you become interested in filmmaking and who were your influences?
[A] I’ve always been interested in film, and as technology has progressed, it’s been easier to complete a film by myself and broadcast it out into the world. I used to watch a lot of sketch comedy when I was younger, like Saturday Night Live, and those sketches and actors had a big influence on me. Movie filmmakers, I admire and want to be like are Garry Marshall, Steven Spielberg, Judd Apatow, John Hughes, W.D. Hogan, and Rawson Thurber.
[Q] Where did you get the inspiration to create your short film, Puzzle Masters Class?
[A] I watched those advertisements for “Masterclass” and figured it was time to parody those online classes.
[Q] Tell us about your plans for the future. Do you have any film projects in the works?
[A] I currently perform stand-up comedy and audition for movies and television. I am finishing up a screenplay that I am going to work my hardest to get made. If I had my druthers, ideally, I would be a series regular on a studio three-camera sitcom, like Friends or Cheers. And from there, create my own material.
[Q] Did the pandemic influence your making a film using your cell phone?
[A] Since I didn’t have access to other filmmakers, and I was trapped at home, it was the perfect time to do this all by myself. The pandemic definitely made this possible in the best way.
[Q] In just a few minutes onscreen, how do you create such subtle humor?
[A] I just really had to come from a place that puzzles, and finishing them, takes skill and is a real job or art form. I took the rest from there. Editing helped cut out all the non-usable fluff.
[Q] Is there anything additional you would like to share with us?
[A] I was glad to have the Barrymore Film Center as a place to showcase this video. With festivals like these, it enables anyone with little or no money, to make something creative and push it out into the world.